BSc Strength & Conditioning, CES
The Drive
Passionate, determined, and ambitious—that's how I’d describe myself, and it’s what I’ll bring to help you unlock your potential. I’m empathetic but straightforward; when it comes to achieving your goals, it’s simple: you either do or don’t. Training with me means entering a partnership built on mutual commitment. I’ll give you everything I’ve got in skills and knowledge, as long as you match it with effort and dedication. Together, we win or lose as a team.

The mentors...
It was at this point through university that I took leap into becoming self-employed and starting my business however I was lucky enough to already have a top class business mentor who also is a highly successful strength and conditioning coach who goes by the name of Ric Moylan (ricmoylan.co.uk). Ric was the genius who started to help me figure out who I am and what my philosophies and ethos are in life and training rather than somebody else’s. Through a group of other like-minded individuals it enabled me to bounce ideas off them and get guidance and truth from a group of individuals that were either at the same point or further along in the journey but everyone wants to see other people succeed.
From here I was introduced to my second mentor being my coaching mentor, Darren Roberts (actionsportssolutions.com). Darren has had years of experience working with action sport athletes and working with some huge brand names such as Nike, NASA and Redbull. Through this mentorship it taught me that athletes are just people, they are not invincible, they break like the rest of us but they have one clear difference, their mental fortitude. Furthermore, thanks to the mentorship I had the chance to work with olympic athletes, pro-surfers, pro motocross athletes and managed to make friends for life. I had the chance to be invited to an invite only Redbull event to be alongside, listen and speak with some of the best practitioners this country has to offer at this moment in time whilst managing to increase my professional network.
to become an inspiration...
All of which I am grounded by the yearly charity work I do, at least once a year I like to push myself out of my comfort zone to test myself physically and mentally to raise money and awareness for others through either local or national charities. Having completed an ultra-marathon, Brighton marathon, L and other various challenges my aim is to keep pushing the boundaries to see what I can achieve and hopefully help inspire other individuals to challenge themselves. I want to lead from the front, I still play different sports, try new things, push myself to learn new skills and challenge my mindset and I will throughly encourage you do the same.
The learning process never stops and so I am always investing in myself to go to performance and/or rehabilitation conferences, talk to more experienced coaches and improve my academic knowledge to piece all together to be able to apply the most up to date research to athlete, general population, injured or non-injured but more so focusing on an individual as a healthy human before anything else because without that, what have you got?
my career so far...
Over 15 years experience within the fitness industry in a commercial gym setting to coaching in a crossfit box, working out of a private studio and now co-owner of Athena Performance. I have worked with athletes, general population, individuals with conditions and people of different mindsets and challenges.
Help mentoring other small start-up businesses within the past year to help them become a success
I have created partnerships with local business to offer my clients exclusive discounts
BSC Strength and Conditioning, Level 1 British Weightlifting and FRC mobility specialist

Daniel Allen
51 Bromsgrove Road
Redditch B97 4RH
Tel: 07494 417682