I believe people buy off people and I want to help you make that decision, so below are a few testimonials from a mixture of athletes, professionals and people with great experience to tell you what they think of DA Training & Performance:

Dan was recommended to me by my previous PT, who was retiring, and I guess you have to be doing something right if your peers are prepared to recommend you.
I hadn’t trained for several months following a shoulder injury, and reached a point in
February of this year, sitting on a beach in Mexico watching people in far better shape than me walk past whilst I stuffed my face with tacos, that it was time for me to get back on the waggon, so I dropped Dan a message.
We met up the day after I returned from holiday and I explained to him that as I was still in my 20s, I ought to be in the best shape of my life, but that was far from the case - I have a desk job and a big appetite…
Dan gave me ‘the talk’ on consistency, promised me that he would do everything that was required for me to achieve my goals, but that ultimately the onus would always be on me to turn up, put the effort in, and make sensible choices moving forward.
It’s obvious that Dan takes his job seriously; the accountability you feel to his professionalism is a huge incentive to work hard, and although we only managed a handful of face to face sessions before lockdown, Dan has been producing weekly programmes and checking in with me.
The weekly check-ins and revised programmes every week have given me direction and focus during lockdown, I’ve lost 10kg, and my resting heart rate has dropped by 10bpm
managing director
chris bright

futsal player
To be fair mate, You just get it. I like the fact you tailor the work we do with all of the context in consideration. It's really important to me.
nicky noel
I enjoy the fact the you always believe in me, that you're honest and don't 'fluff' stuff

Vicki Marie
Training with Dan at DA training and performance has been a huge help to me during lockdown due to COVID 19.
Firstly our usual weekly sessions have continued without any hassle. Keeping us accountable
for the goals we set at the start of the year. But it has become so much more than that.
Dan has completely adapted to the current situation and provided a structure in place so that whatever we need physically or mentally, there is something available to support us in the weekly timetable.
Not only has Dan been challenging us and making us accountable for the small wins to keep us progressing. He is educating us on our mobility, setting up sessions with different local yogis each week, creating community classes, coffee mornings and a weekly cookalong to encourage us to try new things and help us deal with / distract us from the difficult situations we are facing.
He cares that we are all doing well physically and mentally and I don’t think you could ask for more from a coach.
Apart from a disco!

I love that you actually have knowledge about movement analysis and can isolate what you need to change in any given movement. A tough thing to do when your client is a physio (albeit a dizzy one!).

The specificity of it all, the technical aspect also top laughs (normally at my expense!!)
mark buckey

I started working with Dan back in 2013, to improve my fitness during the rugby off season. He had been strutting about the Abbey Stadium saying how good he was, so I thought I’d give it a go. Training with him opened my eyes to different ways of doing
things (mainly Burpees) and a focus on doing things correctly. Both things I took on when changing how I had to train. I also realised that if there was an exercise you don’t like, or struggle with, focus on that until you master it (for me, at the time it was Burpees and Pull ups). He will keep making you do them! I went into the 2013/ 2014 season (which turned out to be my last full season), the fittest I had ever been. At the end of 2019, I was training 5 days a week, but not seeing the benefits of all the training hours I was putting in, so I asked Dan to help me. Throughout 2020 my strength and fitness has improved greatly but my biggest improvement has been through the stability work we have done. This has helped me to reduce the little niggles I was getting and maximise how I train.
engineering improvement manager
jodie taylor
I learn something new every time and have gained so much confidence in myself.

crossfit athlete
Knowledge, professionalism but friendly environment at the same time.There are too many things to be fair.

ben hembury
(joseph hembury's father)
I have know Dan for some time and before he began his business and as he grew his skills and knowledge base, but as my eldest lad began to take his rugby more seriously and reached an age where strength and conditioning were vital
components to his daily routine I was recommended to look Dan up again. Over 12 months on since this and the difference he has made to my lad is fantastic. He has gone from a semi fit, unflexible, video gaming teen to a self disciplined, super fit, flexible, strong athlete with a real chance to reach his potential. The work Dan has done with Joseph has not only prevented injury, but made him really competative with his peers physically in a tough sport. It has also impacted on his mental discipline which has had a knock on effect with school work and attitude! Can't thank Dan enough and recommend his help wholeheartedly!

peter ellis
(Noah ellis's father)
What has Dan been able to offer during these unprecedented times? The usual 1 - 2 - 1 sessions have continued via zoom, being adapted and modified to suit the new environment. In addition Dan has added a weekly timetable of extra workouts, a
community group workout and a weekly cooking club. It has enabled an active teenager to remain active and to meet other like minded people, to chat and socialise. All this has given our son something to look forward too and the whole group have been so welcoming and supportive. Well done Dan and thankyou have seen some positive changes.